Upgrade your marketing game
SMS messaging
Small Businesses

Boost sales with your regular customers

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1. collecting
customer contact info

First, we collect customers' contact information. This is done through a QR code displayed at your business or by placing an AI chatbot on your website.

The QR code will direct customers to a lead collection form. The AI chatbot asks the visitor to register for deal notifications after answering the visitor's first question.

2. sorting
customer contact info

You can sort your customers by various parameters, such as registration time, last text sent time, and the source of lead registration. Additionally, you can add customized tags to customers for more filtering.

We are currently enhancing the lead collection form to include questions that can be linked to these tags.

3. sending
text messages in bulk

You can select the leads that are filtered and sorted to send promotional text messages in bulk.

You want to avoid sending too many messages to each person, so it'd be wise to choose the right number of recipients appropriate for your business capacity.

Lead capture
1. Capture
with AI chatbot

You can deploy our AI chatbot to capture customer information. While the AI is answering their inquiries, it will ask if they're interested in joining our special offer club and collect their contact information.

Our chatbot can be deployed on your website, as a QR code, and on Google Maps with a single link.

Lead capture
2. Capture Leads with
QR code

Display your QR code in your store to allow customers to easily scan it and access a lead collection form where they can enter their contact information.

Lead arrangement
3. Sort your leads and send your

You can sort your leads by the time of the last message sent, the time they joined the list, and other custom tags.

You can select leads and send texts.

use case #1
Bad weather
ahead? Stand out with it.

Expecting low traffic due to the weather? Send a message with us for today's exclusive promotion and pack your business.

use case #2
Need to
clear out
unsold perishable products?

Do you need to deal with unsold perishable products at the end of the day? It would be easier if you offered a discount or free delivery. We can help you reach your customers with this marketing strategy.

use case #3
Someone canceled an appointment?
Fill up your slots

Do you have a limited number of appointment slots each day and someone canceled? Don't waste that availability. Fill your slots quickly by sending offers through SMS messages.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get the QR code?
Each account/chatbot is associated with a unique QR code. You can obtain this QR code on our logged-in page. Alternatively, you can generate a QR code using the link to the lead collection form through a third-party website, many of which offer this service for free.
What categories can we use to sort our leads?
Currently, you can sort the leads by: 1. collected time, 2. last message sent time, and 3. lead source. We are working on implementing custom tags that will allow clients to collect additional information, such as gender or age group.
Do I get a dedicated number for the texting?
No, we don't provide a dedicated number currently.
Can my customers reply to me through the number I used to send messages?
No, we currently only offer one-way communication.

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Do you need some help to get started?
We can help

Click the button below to select a time and book a video call with us.